Rescheduled: Nov. Meeting

Good cyclists - Looks like we are clear for a meeting this coming Monday, 19 November at the Church of the Highlands. Things will kick off at 7:00 PM and we look forward to a discussion on bike handling and frame geometry from Mike Hogan. He says also to expect some insight on how to correct head shake, so everyone go out and ride down a hill with no hands to see if your bike qualifies for some adjustment. Just be careful.

If we don't see you, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and look for a holiday-themed meeting in December. Take care.




Mike Hogan lead a fantastic discussion on bike geometry. We all learned a ton about how changes in frame measurements (lengths, heights, angles) each change particular nuances in bike fit and handling. The conversation, headed by Mike and his ridiculous portfolio of experience and expertise, was peppered with Newtonian physics, quantum mechanics & string theory contributed by the gathering of minds present. Whenever we got over my head Mike adeptly brought it all back around to the real world. We all had a stimulating time learning about, what I'm sure is just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to bike geometry.